
UMG Productions FAQs

What is Uncle Martin and the Gang?

Uncle Martin and the Gang is a collection of stories, most of them dating back to the late 1980s. It is because of the popularity of these stories in the beginning that the company name was changed to Uncle Martin and the Gang Productions, shortened later on to "UMG Productions". We set out to create stories for people of all ages to enjoy, with lovable animal and human characters. And we like to think that we have.

How do you quote the prices on your books?

Most of our ebooks are sold through The base price (the one you will see for each ebook) for most books, is $3.00. The prices are based on the amount of work put into each book, by way of illustrations and even research. Because ebooks are simply transferred digitally from the site to your computer, the price of ebooks is cheaper. Paperbacks and hardback books are printed by an affiliate company, processed and bound and sent to your home, so the cost of printing, binding and shipping is added to the cost of your book, on top of our base price.

Do I need to be a member of OpenID or Google in order to download or purchase any of your books?

No. Anyone can order any of our books. But you must have a Google or OpenID account in order to post a comment about any of the books. We're sorry, but anonymous comments are not allowed, as most of them are not taken seriously by viewers.

My comment does not show up when I pushed "post a comment". Why is that?

All comments must be approved before being posted by the moderation team. They decide if your post is really relevant enough to the story to post it up. Please allow up to 12 hours for approval on your comment. But any comments that are of a threatening nature, or use profanity of any kind will not be approved. You have a right to your opinion, whether it is positive or negative, but please keep it child-friendly and clean. There is absolutely NO need for threats or profanity at all.

I wrote to your company using your form under "Contact Us", and I never received a response from anyone. Why?

UMG Productions staff always try to respond to everyone who writes us within 24 hours. If you did not get a response from us by then, check your junk mail folder, as it most likely went in there. There are ways you can fix your email provider settings so is not considered junk mail.

Do you have discounts for quantity orders?

For paperback only we can offer a discount. Ebooks are a little trickier to get discounts on outside of a sale that may be happening.

When I pay for a download, what do I do then?

When you pay for your ebook, Payhip will download it to your computer. All ebooks will be in PDF format and be PDF stamped, so it cannot be pirated. Movies are streamed directly on the website. For more information on downloads and how to do them, please refer to our How To Use This Site page.

I paid for an ebook and did not get it. What happened?

Downloads are powered by and it should begin downloading to your computer as soon as your payment transaction is done. If you did not receive it, check your pop-up blocker or check your download settings. Or you can contact Payhip on their site to get more info.

Do I need special equipment to read your ebooks?

Only Adobe Acrobat, which most computers come with. If you don't think you have it, you can always go to and download it. It's completely FREE.

When I order a paperbound copy, and give my address, will my address be kept by you and sold to another company?

No. When you order any of our books or videos, UMG Productions will not get your address, credit card, or paypal info at all. Most likely, no one at UMG Productions will even see your information. Ordering of any of our products is done solely through trusted third-party companies that are not known to spam anyone with junk nor sell anyone's info.

Can I submit a story to UMG Productions?

Yes you can. Simply go to our "Get Published" page and get more details on how to do this.

Will I get all the commissions on any of my books sold?

Because we provide the space and exposure, we have to take out some commissions to pay us for our time and memory space used. On average the author gets 50% of the commissions, you can opt for more or less, depending on what you want done with the book (ie. services, paperbound copies, ebook availability).

How much should I sell my book for?

The price of your book will be decided by you, and will be discussed when we e-mail you with a letter telling you we have accepted your work.

What if I decide I do not want to sell my book through UMG Productions anymore?

You, as the author of the book, may decide at any time to pull your work and all royalties from our company. You must first contact the staff at to make arrangements to have your work taken off our list.

What is the benefit of having my book presented at UMG Productions?

We offer a wide variety of services to those submitting their book to us. And because we are a small, independent company, these services are free, or very low-cost, compared to other publishing companies. We may also agree to perform these services on contingency. Including (but not limited to) cover-design, illustrations, even editing services and help with manuscript layout.

Are all the books at UMG Productions fictional titles?

Not all of them. We have some that are non-fiction books as well. We will be getting more in the future too.

Is all you'll be doing is creating books and stories?

We also have videos and movies available now. You can either stream, rent, download digital copies, or order on a DVD any movie on our website. Remember our works are copyright protected, and may not be posted to any other platform.

10 Secrets You Were Not Supposed to Know

For this video, I was never supposed to reveal these secrets, including names of people some of our characters were named after, to secret story books we cannot have available on the main site. However, in this video I open my big mouth and tell you these secrets you were not supposed to know.