By: Cairo Smith and Dee Dee Rivera
Gracie's Odyssey is a UMG masterpiece! This is the story about a young Tamanoa doe named Gracie that lives in a zoo, and has a litter of fawns. One of which is severely undersized, but strong. She learns a hard lesson in zoo life,
when her babies are sold to other zoos. But she does not want to let go of the littlest fawn. So she begs the keeper to let her keep him, and he does, but only for a little while. This is when Gracie names him, Davy. When the time comes to sell Davy, Gracie feels betrayed and goes temporarily off her rocker! Meanwhile, Davy is having a hard time adjusting to life without mom. The next thing Gracie knows, she is put into solitary confinement. It is here her friends Chuck, Mikena and Simba agree to help Gracie find Davy. They go to a lot of trouble just to find the zoo where they believe he was taken to, and guess what happens! The story has a surprise ending. Order your copy now to see what goes down, and if Gracie gets her baby back. This story is OK for children, most recommended for children over 7 years of age due to the length of the story.
when her babies are sold to other zoos. But she does not want to let go of the littlest fawn. So she begs the keeper to let her keep him, and he does, but only for a little while. This is when Gracie names him, Davy. When the time comes to sell Davy, Gracie feels betrayed and goes temporarily off her rocker! Meanwhile, Davy is having a hard time adjusting to life without mom. The next thing Gracie knows, she is put into solitary confinement. It is here her friends Chuck, Mikena and Simba agree to help Gracie find Davy. They go to a lot of trouble just to find the zoo where they believe he was taken to, and guess what happens! The story has a surprise ending. Order your copy now to see what goes down, and if Gracie gets her baby back. This story is OK for children, most recommended for children over 7 years of age due to the length of the story.
Originally Released: January, 1998 (Revised edition perfected December, 2012)
ISBN #: 978-1-329-03224-8
No. of Pages: 171
Download Size: 127.7 MB
Print Size: 8.5 x 11"
Print Weight: 1.2 lbs.
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