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Vacation Time! (With the Gang)

By Cathy Britton
Jasper is very generous to allow Mr. Blackwood to borrow his boat for the weekend and invite all his friends to join in. But there is one condition. No one
can cause trouble, which is bad news for Todd the young fox, who is the head troublemaker in the club. Everyone is warned that anyone who causes any trouble will be left on the dock. But Tim is determined to make trouble for Todd.
So Mr. Blackwood acts as the captain of the boat for the weekend, and Gracie is his first mate. Lamont takes his place as the lookout. But somehow he misses the huge, 50-foot sea monster that eventually attacks the boat! Find out why, and what happens next! Will they have a good weekend? Or not? You will have fun reading this story! This is a very good story for people of all ages. But due to length, it may only be suitable for children over 7 years of age.

Original release date: January, 1997
ISBN #:                        978-1-329-08118-5
No. of Pages:               77
Download Size:           43.2 MB
Print Size:                    8.5 x 11"
Print Weight:              0.65 lbs.

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