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The Prey Bites Back

By Dee Dee Rivera
Dee Dee Rivera has written some of the best comedy stories for UMG Productions over the years. A lot of her stories contain a lot of slapstick humor. This story is no
exception! Imagine a world 60 million years into the future in the drier regions of South America. A Tachypus (also known as a racer) is looking for food. All of a sudden, it's worst nightmare, a Deinognathus, springs out from behind a cactus plant!! The Tachypus tries to foil the attempts of the Deinognathus to make a meal out of him. Inspired by Chuck Jones's cartoons about a coyote vs. a roadrunner, the Deinognathus makes one failed attempt after another to capture it's prey. It even goes so far as to pretend it is a female racer. So find out what other lengths the Deinognathus goes to to try and capture the racer. And if it even does manage to fool him.

Original release date: June, 1993
ISBN #:                      978-1-329-03203-3
No. of Pages:             53
Download Size:         33.8 MB
Print Size:                  8.5 x 11"
Print Weight:             0.51 lbs.

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